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Finished in time for Xmas

Matt Curtis

I started this painting just at the beginning of December and by Saturday 21st the painting was finished, framed, sold, shipped and on its new owner's wall! All in time for Xmas. That could be a record for me.

I always enjoy painting fruit, particularly plums and that little bell has found it's way into many of my paintings. The new piece in this painting is the pink sea urchin pot I bought from a fabulous potter Called Nikki Bruce who lives and works in Stonehaven, Scotland. I saw some of her work in the home of an art collector and knew I had to add some of her work into one of my paintings. I have four of her pieces now so expect to see them in future paintings.

Another new element about this painting is that it's frame was also made and hand finished by myself. Framing is something that I've always been interested in, particularly the very dark Dutch frames from the 17th century so I'm very excited to be able to create bespoke frames for each painting I finish. More on that in the near future.

This finished painting framed and ready to hang.

Getting the painting ready to ship.

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